The Pope's Exorcist's Scooter

Well, I had in mind a movie about my Vespa ride through Europe last summer. I imagined Chris Hemsworth playing me as a kind of superheroic pilgrim boldly going where no cassock-wearing scooter-riding priest had gone before ...

It turns out the movie kinda sorta exists already: The Pope's Exorcist. It's a horror flick, not about a pilgrimage, and it stars a somewhat portly Russell Crowe. But he does ride around in his cassock on a scooter (a Lambretta, if you're interested) in Italy. So, you know, cool, right? 

And a fun fact? In the early 2000s I was the convenor of the Church in Wales national group of Bishops' deliverance ministry advisors (the new name for exorcists). But trust me, that sounds way more sensational than it was in reality. It's just nothing like in the movie ... except for the scooter.

If you're interested, the movie's coming to Netflix on January 19.


  1. You should tag the film and Russell Crow, you never know, you might get a bit part in the sequel!


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