Ice ice baby!

Yeah, I know, it's a terrible photo. It was taken this evening in the dark, on my phone. The road is white, not because it's over-exposed (although that's also true) but because it's covered in ice. This has been my scooter commute all week - very entertaining!

I'm an all weather, all year round rider, so over the last few years I've learned a few things about riding on ice. The most important, of course, is don't do it unless you have to. But I often do have to, so here's the lowdown. 

Stay focused. There's a visible difference between dark dry tarmac, dark wet tarmac and black ice, but you need to be alert to tell one from the other. Ride in the middle of the road (on country lanes) when you can; it's where the gravel collects - good for grip - and the cars haven't packed down the ice. In the evening the north side of hills and the southern edge of east-west roads will be icier, as they've had more shade, but in the morning everywhere is ice.

Ride with your feet hanging out either side; you'll be more stable. If the bike starts to slide you can use your feet to control it; this happens more often than you'd think. If the bike gets away from you and starts going over, let it. Step off, tuck and roll. This happens way less often than you'd expect. 

Most importantly: slow down. This is a life lesson scooters can teach you. Yes, you're freezing your butt off. Yes, you'd like to be home and warm and cosy. Nevertheless, be smart. Enjoy the ride for what it is and get home cold but safe.

And look forward wistfully to summer ...!


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