A walk in the woods
Went for a winter walk in the woods this morning with my sweetheart, Sally. It was brisk and icy, but the skies were clear and the January sun, low in the sky, brought out all the colours around us so richly.
We started at a brisk pace on a wide, gravelled path, but the further we went the trickier (and muddier) it got. At one point we found an animal trail through the trees and picked our way along it, spotting deer and badger tracks along with scat and other evidence of those who'd shared the same path. As always, the slower we travelled the more we saw.
We went up to Scotland over Christmas and travelled by car, on the motorways. That's not something I often do these days, and I was surprised to find that the speed felt quite unnerving. I kept surreptitiously glancing over at the speedometer, wondering whether Sally was flooring it a bit - but she's an excellent and careful driver who, mostly, was under the limit rather than over it. It's just that motorway traffic is fast.
I'm back to work tomorrow and back on La Fenice at 50cc speeds again. I'll confess I'm quite grateful. It'll be good to take the slow roads and be attentive.
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