Taking the high road
After St Andrew's I made my way over the silvery Tay to Dundee. This wasn't really part of the pilgrimage - I was taking a few days break to spend with my daughter, her husband, and our delightful two year old grandson. We went to toddler clubs, ten pin bowling, a farm, and some shops. We played with toy trains, read books about hedgehogs, and had tea and cake. It was blissful.
And now I'm back on the road heading for Perth and then down towards Dunfermline. And what a road! This was the view from up in the hills looking down at the Tay not far out of Perth. I stopped and looked down this valley while I prayed Morning Prayer. It's hard to find a church with this kind of breathtaking visual appeal!
I love churches (as this blog has probably made quite obvious) but there is something truly wonderful about praying in the beautiful natural places too, the great temple of nature. I felt my soul opening up and breathing the cool air.
Soul filled meanderings on La Fenice - wonderful! X