How to change the world
Visiting the Basilica di Santa Chiara in Assisi this morning was a beautiful experience. The church is far less busy that the St Francis basilica at the other end of town, but it radiates peace and tranquility. Clare was a contemplative, and perhaps that's helped affect the atmosphere of this wonderful church built in her honour.
I spent a good hour or so praying in the church itself, then more delightful time in the San Damiano cross chapel. The story goes that Francis was praying in the ruins of the little church in San Damiano, just down the hill from Assisi, when he heard the voice of Christ speaks to him from this cross: "Francis, you see my church is in ruins. Go and repair it." At first he took that literally and rebuilt the little church and a few others. But over time he came to understand that what Christ was truly calling him to was the healing of the troubled church community of his day. The cross now hangs here in the St Clare basilica.
Then down to the tomb of St Clare, which was peaceful, and to see the great Franciscan relics held there. In the photo you can see tunics worn by Clare and Francis, and the simple knitted ropes they used as belts.
These two young people listened to Christ and tried to live a fully Gospel life in response. They embraced simplicity, joy, love for God, for people, for the poor. They shunned influence, celebrity, power. They walked the earth in the most ridiculously rough and ragged clothing. They slept on the bare ground. They had nothing, and they were nothing other than simple lovers of Christ.
And they changed the medieval world.
Food for thought here.
Yes they were - easily overlooked - this was God-blessed youthful dreams - where are they today? jr